Streets ahead

Streets ahead

World-class Wynyard Quarter shines in New York

Earlier this year, Panuku was approached by the National Association of City Transport Officials (NACTO), a coalition of 81 major North American cities and transit agencies based in New York City to present a webinar sharing insights about our waterfront streets design.

Five of our waterfront team members were invited to share their expert knowledge of the strategy, design, challenges and triumphs that have shaped the streets in Wynyard Quarter to date. From the 2011 Rugby World Cup to the 2021 America’s Cup and beyond, they describe the transformation of the space from an industrial fishing hub to a classy shared public space loved by Aucklanders.

You can check out the webinar video below and learn more about NACTO here.

Wynyard Quarter wins big

Wynyard Quarter wins big

Award-winning Waterfront wahine

Award-winning Waterfront wahine